Our Boarding Facilities

 Less than 30 minutes from Downtown Los Angeles, Monteverde Equestrian Center is an excellent facility to board your horse. We offer a variety of boarding options and various sized stalls to choose from. All horses are fed Alfalfa twice daily. Our Equestrian Care specialist is consistently working to ensure that our horses needs are constantly met throughout the day. Our on-site maintenance team keeps the riding ring footing in top condition and the facility safe for horses and riders alike.

Our Boarding Facilities

In-Out Stalls

Our 12 x 24 In-Out Stalls provide the complete package of shelter and shade combined with ventilation and outdoor living. A 12 x 12 box stall connected to a 12 x 12 outdoor pipe corral offer join to make up our premium offering. All stalls equipped with 4 gallon float-type automatic waterers

Covered Pipe Corrals

Our 12 x 20 centrally located Covered Pipe Corrals offer complete shade as well as the unbeatable ventilation of an open-sided barn with a central aisle. All stalls are enclosed in wire-mesh and equipped with stainless steel paddle-type automatic waterers

Semi-Covered Pipe Pasture

Tucked away from the street with the best access to the riding arenas, our Semi-Covered Pipe Pastures are generously sized at 12 x 24. Arranged back-to-back, the stalls are enclosed in wire mesh and equipped with stainless steel paddle-type automatic waterers


Box Stalls

Perfect for the avid trail rider, our 12 x 12 Box stalls in the Main Barn offer the best access to our trails. With a private tacking area, all stalls are equipped with 4 gallon float-type automatic waterers and a complete fly-spray system.

Stallion Stalls

Our 12 x 12 fully enclosed stallion stalls are opposite the In-Out in our covered barn. Equipped with a complete fly-spray system and 4 gallon float-type automatic waterers, this is a great option for the more temperamental horse.

Overnight & Short-Term

Overnight and short-term stabling options are offered to those visiting the area. Board includes four (4) flakes of hay between two (2) feedings a day. Stalls are cleaned and maintained on a daily basis. Bedding is included in board.

Our Amenities

General Purpose Arena

Jumping Arena

Dressage Arena


Round Pens

Wash Racks

Tack Rooms

Care & Services

Daily Care

Our On-Site Equestrian Care Specialists will keep a watchful eye on your horses to ensure their needs are met throughout the day. Additional services are available upon request, see pricing sheet below.


Even our large stalls aren’t enough for your horse to get their legs moving the way they’re meant to. In the even you are unable to ride or exercise as often as you’d like, our wranglers and ranch hands are ready and willing to assist for a small fee.


Grooming can be a special bonding time with your horse, but sometimes life gets in the way. Our wranglers are here to step in and keep your animal in show-ready condition


Farrier Services

Barefoot? Shoed? We pass no judgment. But we do need to make sure your horses are cared for. We will rotate your horse on a schedule for routine clipping or re-shoeing.

Routine Equine Clinics

Professional Veterinary Services

We require all the standard vaccinations and will keep detailed records of the health of your horse. Since

Please note that there is currently a wait list at our facility. If you are interested in boarding at Monteverde Equestrian Center, apply to our wait list by completing the form below.